Unfortunately, you can’t change your Skype Number, only buy new one and wait until the old one expires.
How do I cancel my monthly Skype subscription? Can I change my Skype number?
If this is the first time you have bought a product from Skype, read the Skype Terms of Use and tick your agreement.
Choose to buy Skype Credit or another Skype product. How do I transfer Skype Credit to PayPal? Select the radio button next to your reason for cancelling, and then select Cancel subscription to confirm your cancellation. Use this link to access your Skype account profile page and select Manage for the subscription you want to cancel. You can even run a number of user accounts in skype at a time like this. But since both the user accounts are running in windows and they are running separate skype accounts, both of them can make calls or receive calls from their USB phones. Remember that only one user account is visible in Windows monitor at a time. Repeat the above procedure but for user2, 'user2' of skype and user2_handset. Configure the skype account it to use user1_handset.Ģ. Start Skype and login into 'user1' account in skype. Now configure each skype account for each user account.ġ. Create seperate user accounts in Windows 7 for the two users. Let us say they have their own USB phones, their own handsets (user1_handset and user2_handset) connected to the PC. Let us say that there are two users 'user1' and 'user2' in skype who want to login into skype from same computer. But it is possible to login into skype by multiple users at the same from the same computer. It is very simple to login into skype by multiple users if they have their own computer and own phone. The main advantage of running multiple Skype accounts at the same time is that each user can make and receive skype calls at same time. It is possible to open multiple skype account in the same computer. How to open multiple Skype accounts in same computer